Pam Patterson, M.Ed.
B.S., Elementary Education, University of Alabama Birmingham, 1975
M.A., Elementary Education, University of Alabama, 1980
Early Childhood Education Certification, University of Alabama, 1993
Teaching Philosophy
Making a difference, even in one student, regardless of the age, continues to be a goal I am daily challenged to achieve. If I can encourage students to embrace and develop their individual gifts for teaching and learning and create in them a desire to become life-long learners, then I have indeed used my profession as a vehicle to make that difference. Once students move forward from my courses, I would hope that my passion and excitement for educating young minds have been evident and encouraged them also to change the world - to make a difference - even if only one student at a time!
Currently, I am involved in the study of the use of music in education to support the academic, social and emotional development of preschool-aged children.
Volunteerism and working to make the community a better place to live and work have always been integral parts of my life. As a volunteer with Distinguished Young Women, I have the opportunity to partner with the University of South Alabama, Mobile County Public Schools, Junior League of Mobile, Girl Scouts of South Alabama, Camp Smile, and other local agencies to encourage children and teens to maintain a healthy and productive lifestyle and to develop a work ethic which will help them become successful citizens ready to tackle the challenges of the future. In addition to working with DYW, my background in music has led me to work with children and adolescents to encourage their interests in movement, melodies, rhythm and harmony. Each summer, I direct a week-long music camp for approximately 80 preschoolers and during the school year, I work with elementary and middle school children to assist in their acquisition of singing skills and music theory.
Since first grade in Birmingham, Alabama, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. After having received my elementary education in Birmingham City Schools and then attending Briarwood Christian High School in Mountain Brook, I knew the needs were great in public schools and spent twenty-five years teaching grades K-6 and three years in Special Education. I am a Roll Tide kinda' girl - all the way and can think of nothing better to do on a fall Saturday than follow my team! With two sons, a husband, and three grandsons, there's always some kind of sport involved and the daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and I just have to figure out a way to fit in! My other interests include cooking, boating, downhill skiing, calligraphy, reading, and travel; my husband says my middle name is "GO"!
EDU 300 - Classroom Management I
EDU 302 - Classroom Management II
EDU 303 - K-6 Education Tier 2 Field Experience
EDU 345 - K-6 Education Tier 3 Field Experience
EDU 430 - K-6 Internship
EDU 495 - K-6 Internship SPE